The Chicken Soup for the Soul books serve as companions for millions of people. Some readers learn from other people’s lessons. Others feel better about their own difficulties when they read stories of those who have gone through something similar. Chicken Soup for the Soul has received hundreds of thousands of letters from readers who tell how a Chicken Soup for the Soul book got them through a difficult time. You can be a part of this by publishing a story.

We know everything we need to know to end the needless emotional suffering that many people currently experience. High self-esteem and personal effectiveness are available to anyone willing to take the time to pursue them.
It is difficult to translate the spirit of a live presentation into the written word. Stories we tell every day have had to be rewritten five times to work as well in print as they do live. When you are reading these stories, please forget everything you ever learned in your speed-reading classes. Slow down. Listen to the words in your heart as well as in your mind. Savor each story. Let it touch you. Ask yourself, what does it awaken in me? What does it suggest for my life? What feeling or action does it call forth from my inner being? Let yourself have a personal relationship with each story.
Some stories will speak louder to you than others. Some will have deeper meaning. Some will make you cry. Some will make you laugh. Some will give you a warm feeling all over. Some may hit you right between the eyes. There is no right reaction. There is only your reaction. Let it happen and let it be.
Don’t hurry through this book. Take your time. Enjoy it. Savor it. Engage it with your whole being. It represents thousands of hours of culling the “best of the best” from our 40 years of combined experience.
One last thing: Reading a book like this is a little like sitting down to eat a meal of all desserts. It may be a little too rich. It is a meal with no vegetables, salad or bread. It is all essence with very little froth.
In our seminars and workshops we take more time to set up and discuss the implications of each story. There are more explanations and explorations of how to apply the lessons and principles to your everyday life. Don’t just read these stories. Take the time to digest them and make them your own.
If you find yourself moved to share a story with others, do it. When a story makes you think of another person, call the person it brings to mind and share it. Engage these stories and let them move you to do whatever comes up for you. They are meant to inspire and motivate you.
For a lot of these stories we went back to the original source and asked them to write it or tell it in their own words. Many of the stories will be in their voice, not ours. We have attributed every story we could to the original source. For all of those that are from fellow speakers and trainers, we have included a contributors section in the back of the book where we have listed their name, address and phone number so you can contact them yourself if you wish.
We hope you will enjoy reading this book as much as we have enjoyed writing it.
Share With Us
We would love to hear your reactions to the stories in this book. Please let us know what your favorite stories were and how they affected you.
We also invite you to send us stories you would like to see published in future editions of Chicken Soup For The Soul You can send us either stories you have written or stories written by others that you have liked.
Send submissions to:
Chicken Soup For The Soul
P.O. Box 30880 Santa Barbara, CA 93130
fax: 805-563-2945 e-mail: [email protected]
You can also’ visit the Chicken Soup For The Soul site on
America Online at keyword: chickensoup.
We hope you enjoy reading this book as much as we enjoyed compiling, editing and writing it.