Stronger (What Doesn’t Kill You) – Kelly Clarkson
“Stronger (What Doesn’t Kill You) (Stronger) (Acoustic)” from Pop Goes Live by Kelly Clarkson. Released: 2013. Track 4 of 18. Genre: Pop.
“What doesn’t kill you makes a fighter”. This song, performed by the American Idol Season 1 winner helps you to evaluate your life when something hasn’t gone your way. Learn from it and come back fighting so that you can reach the next level.
“Dont stop believing” from Arrival Of The Best by Journey. Track 2. Genre: Rock.
Don’t Stop Believing – Journey
“Don’t stop believin’. Hold on to the feelin’”. Remember when you started something new? How it felt? It’s not always going to be smooth, but remember what motivated you to start off, or how that relationship felt like at the beginni
ng and strive to reinvent it.