Even if you pursue your dream with the most passionate intent, at times you’re going to lose motivation. Things don’t come together as fast as you’d like, projects stall, you’re working crazy hard not knowing if what you’re doing is laying the foundation for success or paving the path towards your own destruction.
It’s when moving forward becomes a slog and you’d rather go lie on a lounge chair on a beach that these four mind shifts can help keep you motivated:
1. Remember your bigger why
Every big dream starts with a why. You started making your dream into a reality because it serves a bigger purpose. Was bringing this dream to life going to give you a greater sense of freedom, allow you to travel more, let you help people achieve their dreams or live healthier?
So much is thrown at us as we build our dreams: business and personal opportunities, logistical setbacks, feeling buried in the details. Whenever you’re overwhelmed by any of these, it’s important to step back and remember your bigger why.
Then ask yourself: is what I’m struggling with ultimately going to allow me to achieve my greater why? The answer in most all cases should be a resounding yes, and that yes can be the thing that keeps you going in tough times.
“All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” – Walt Disney
2. Let your values drive you
Many times people give up on something because they realize what they were after wasn’t really their dream, it was someone else’s. In conjunction with your why, you have to get in touch with your needs, which aren’t necessarily the same as your wants.
Paying attention to what you value in your inner life (peace, contentment, satisfaction, fulfillment, etc.) helps lead you to making those values real in your outer life (lifestyle, relationships, financial success, etc.) Your needs are a reflection of your deeply held values and taking time to understand how your values align with your greater why is important in making sure your dream is truly yours.
3. Think about what you want
How often do you meet someone who can tell you what they don’t want instead of what they do want? You may know you don’t want x, y, and z but instead of dwelling on the negative, take time to figure out how to explain things in terms of what you do want. Focusing on what you don’t want has a way of making those exact things show up in your life.
So it’s important to shift your mindset into a more positive state and understand what you do want instead. Knowing what you want also helps you create a clearer vision in your mind. Once you have that vision you can talk about it to friends, family, and even potential investors with passion, confidence, and excitement, all of which will keep your forward momentum going.
“The greatest discovery of all time is that a person can change his future by merely changing his attitude” – Oprah Winfrey
4. Learn to switch gears
On the road to building and living your big dream, it’s important to learn when you’re running a sprint race vs. a marathon. Thinking you need to work insane hours all day every day is a recipe for burnout, discouragement, and apathy.
Not only must you learn that stepping back and evaluating the big picture is a valuable skill you must also learn how to use that skill to tell you when to switch between going full our and easing off the gas. Your dream doesn’t do anyone, including yourself, any good if you’re too sick, exhausted, or depressing to bring it to life, even if it takes a long time to reach the finish line.
Staying in the game for the long haul takes a perseverance, patience, faith, and a deep understanding of why you’re trying to bring your dream to life. Your ability to stay motivated, even in the midst of resistance and discouragement, is crucial for you to make your dream a reality.